Back to: Board List > Newbies Board > Interactive Wiki Community Help

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Kama (#1)
Schoot DP Staff

5-May-2008 14:10:53 Quality: 0.

Hi all,

As you have probably read on the main page, I included help links on the most important TEQ pages. This link should provide some basic instructions on how to use the functionalities and some links to other relevant pages in the Wiki.

I hope that some volunteers will be prepared to work with me on the pages. I already started some of them.

Also, new players are kindly invited to create/update pages, or just post a message about a page in case any questions arise.

Please not that you have to create a seperate wiki login in order to post there.


Kama (#1)
Schoot DP Staff

6-May-2008 15:56:05 Quality: 0.



Kama (#1)
Schoot DP Staff

6-May-2008 21:37:05 Quality: 0.

So... is ANYONE going to help me?


Weber (#163)
TEQ Game Account

Click to set your personal icon.
6-May-2008 21:38:44 Quality: 0.

I can get around to helping eventually, I'm just to lazy to create a wiki account at the moment.

Kill Count RESET!
Neutral for me this set.
Record Retal: Neutral

Lord Mad One (#437)
TEQ Game Account
6-May-2008 21:51:09 Quality: 0.

I am willing to help..gotta find time to do it however.

Myspace site:
E-mail/MSN or
Is gonna clone Ellis

Delirious (#1434)
TEQ Game Account

Click to set your personal icon.
6-May-2008 22:14:14 Quality: 0.

I will see what I can do asap. Mod to the rescue!

EDIT: asap

Resident TEQ Old-Timer
[- 9 years & 252 rounds -]

[ -- Message edited on: 6-May-2008 22:15:50 by Delirious (#1434) -- ]

Kama (#1)
Schoot DP Staff

7-May-2008 00:10:20 Quality: 0.



Zay (#12)
TEQ Game Account
5-Aug-2008 23:34:10 Quality: 0.

I might do some stuff. Got vacation in 2 weeks and not going anywhere... I've been checking the pretty wiki links a lot and most of em are still empty...


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