Back to: Board List > Teams Talk > Board Rules - Read before posting

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Pollux (#24)
TEQ Game Account

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28-Aug-2006 15:05:49 Quality: 0.

After several complains that the moderators were inactive or unfair there was a discussion on the moderatorboard. The result is this list of guidelines for players and moderators. Its ment to tell you what is allowed on this board so none of your threads needs to be closed, and its ment to help the moderators to treat everyone the same.

Board Rules for Teams Talk

- Only post about things related to the team server.
- Stay on the topic of the thread
- No spamming allowed (this includes quoting a 50 line text and only adding 2 words).
- No flaming of people.
- Dont use offensive words.
- When a new player asks for help embrace their presence and dont scare them away with useless remarks.
- dont comment on someone elses grammar or spelling mistakes. This is an international community and not everyone is fluent in english.

- Respect the moderators:
a. do not call them biased for 'only' hiding your posts. You dont know how many posts are hidden.
b. when a mod tells you to stay on topic dont continue your personal issues on the board
c. if a mod locks a thread dont open another one to continue the topic unless he says so in his closing post

info Modbreak : Che (#517) - 3-Sep-2006 21:02:24 - Reason for closing: discuss somewhere else, this is an anouncement

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